Thursday, November 18, 2010

Field Trip

Today we took the students in my Montessori training program on a field trip to visit a preschool across town.  The school serves children ages 2 through 6.  Most of the children are from a nearby township and are of the Xhosa tribe.  The Xhosa have a challenging life here, usually quite poor and not accepted by others.  The school has over 300 students.  The older children are 24 - 36 in a room while the toddlers are 18 - 24 in a room.  Each room has one teacher.
The layout of the school was nice.  Freshly painted and in good repair.  The rooms are medium sized and very bare except for a few things on the walls.  The material for the children is kept in a cabinet and the teacher decides what to bring down for the children at what time.  The teachers work on letters and numbers with all the children at the same time.
Soon after we arrived, the older children went outside to play.  Approximately 200 children were outside all at the same time.  The staff, few that there were, sat and watched while the children ran and played.  It was a bit chaotic and soon, we each found ourselves surrounded by little ones, holding our hand or giving a hug. I was very proud of my students as some of them organized a quick game or sang songs with the children.  Again, the staff watched.
The school ran on a tight schedule, even down to bathroom time.  Toilet paper was handed to the children as they were marched to the bathrooms.  At lunch, toddlers were lined up and fed, two staff for 28 young ones.
Amazingly, the children (when with the staff) were well mannered and attentive.  When left alone, they proceeded to jump from chairs and tables, kick each other and run.

This is one of the better early childhood programs in the city.

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